We are permanently closed for business.
Please contact our colleagues at Pioneer Animal Hospital at (503) 657-3171 should you need to establish care, request your pet’s records, or for assistance with prescription refills. Learn more >>
Berry Hill Veterinary Center is Permanently Closed for Business
We thank you very much for your kind words and support during our last few months as we have faced the challenges of winding down Berry Hill Veterinary Center. We are now permanently closed for business.
Your pet’s records are secure, and have been moved to our sister practice, Pioneer Animal Hospital in Oregon City. Please contact our colleagues at Pioneer Animal Hospital at (503) 657-3171 should you need to establish care, request your pet’s records, or for assistance with prescription refills.
Smiles for Miles: Why Dental Health Matters
February is Pet Dental Health Month! Learn why dental care is essential for your pet’s overall health and how regular check-ups and brushing in cats and dogs can keep them smiling for years to come.
Learn More »