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Berry Hill Veterinary Center will be closing on July 31, 2024

Berry Hill Veterinary Center will be closing on July 31, 2024
July 10, 2024

To our loyal and wonderful clientele –

We thank you very much for your kind words and support during our last few months as we have faced the challenges of winding down Berry Hill Veterinary Center. We are fully functioning and maintaining our high standard of care, but with less support staff and unable to accommodate additional surgeries.

Until July 31, 2024, we will be available with our normal schedule (Mon., Tue., Thurs., Fri. 9-6). We will also be able to authorize refills and provide records from our location in a limited capacity through the end of August. These services will continue from a remote location after that. If you have been using our online pharmacy for your pet’s medications, refills will be available through 12/31/24. Alternatively, if you would like written prescriptions with appropriate refills authorized, please let us know.

We are working to finalize our exact referral plan after our closure, as well as plans for Dr. Trish Roisum and Dr. Penny Jacobs. They are both actively searching for the right fit to continue offering veterinary care to the community as conveniently as possible. We appreciate your patience as they find locations that mirror their mission to provide consistent and exceptional care - Berry Hill is a hard act to follow! As soon as their futures have clarity, we will make the information available.

If you wish to continue care with Dr. Jacobs or Dr. Roisum, we encourage you to wait to have your records transferred until their next step are clear. If you would like your records so you have flexibility moving forward, we are happy to email them to you.

If you have a specific need for a referral like a timely surgery or if you want to establish care elsewhere immediately, please consider Pioneer Animal Hospital in Oregon City or Full Circle Veterinary Care in Lake Oswego.

Please let us know if we can help further with your transition process.

Thank you,
The Doctors and Staff of Berry Hill Veterinary Center

Berry Hill Veterinary Center